Just two days after he announced the launch of his Aam Aadmi Party, the Kashmir valley is abuzz with rumours of Arvind Kejriwal starting an anti-corruption campaign “Mission Kashmir” in the state next month.
The crusade will be launched to expose corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and small-rung officers.
Kejriwal, according to his local aides, will seek cooperation from civil society activists, lawyers and religious groups to launch a massive anti-corruption crusade in the state.
Kejriwal has reportedly said launching a crusade against corruption in the state is the need of the hour as corrupt practices are becoming the order of the day. He has drawn parallels between Bihar and Jammu and Kashmir which are the two leading corrupt states in the country.
“The local media is abuzz with reports that Kejriwal will meet activists. I don’t see anything wrong in it. But he would garner support in Kashmir, only if he takes into account the root of corruption in Kashmir which lies in socio-economic concerns of the people,” said Shakeel Qalander, a member of the Kashmir Civil Society and Developmental Studies.
Shakeel said Kejriwal should put aside his political aspirations, if he wants to make his campaign effective in the public domain. “We welcome him as an activist, not as a politician,” said Shakeel.
President, Kashmir Economic Alliance, Mohammad Yasin Khan said the levels of corruption in the state, which had crossed all limits, particularly in the public sector, required mobilisation of masses.
“We are ready to coordinate with him as corruption is plaguing the state. Kejriwal should hold talks with all sections of society to determine the root cause of corruption in the state, which lies in consistent exploitation of natural resources, unplanned economy and marginalisation of the poor,” Khan said.
Dr Shiekh Showkat Hussain, a subject expert on human rights at the University of Kashmir, said Kejriwal’s campaign had a certain degree of acceptance in the Valley as the pangs of corruption were felt by everyone.
“People resort to corrupt practices because they feel alienated. And there are bigger concerns like human rights violations and economic resources exploitation which have led to corruption. I hope Kejriwal accepts these facts and gets massive public support.”
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